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It’s not a show of material culture, like the Victoria & Albert Museum’s shows of Kyle Monologue or David Bowie. But it also isn’t a “mid-career retrospective”, as Mo Ma has eagerly billed it, and any ostensible effort to give music the same consideration as painting or sculpture seems not to have taken place.
 It’s one part Rock and Roll Hall of Fame exercise, one part science lab, one part anesthesia experiment, one part Madame Cheap nursing custom essays Tussaud’s parody – but it is not two parts anything. What are its aims? I spent hours in it, and more besides with the uncatalogued, and I still don’t know.
A hairpiece and dress from the Medulla era. Photograph: Tom Sidetrack/The Guardian
The bulk of the exhibition is staged in an a maze of narrow temporary galleries, each devoted to one of the seven solo albums she released between 1993 and 2011. 
(Her soundtrack for Lars con Trier’s Dancer in the Dark is omitted; so too, more glaringly, is the soundtrack of Drawing Restraint 9, by her ex-partner Matthew Barney.) Visitors, once they make it through the queue, navigate these galleries wearing headphones and listening to a mandatory audio guide, and motion sensors cue up songs related to the objects on display.


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